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What is a "Tuff Tita?".....


  The term, slogan, saying, was designed and created by me to describe what I am like as a woman, trainer, coach, abuse survivor, Hawaiian and athlete. Despite life's many challenges I have persevered  and am a "Tuff Tita." Therefore, I created this slogan to represent myself. I added the bending barbell because of my love of the gym & lifitng weights. The flower on the right side of the barbell is to illustrate my Hawaiian ethnicity; also because I have always worn a flower behind my ear, even since childhood, and continue to do so.  Even in the dead of winter while attending college in Boise & Washington, I was never without a flower! I strive to be a "Tuff Tita" whether in its literal or  slang definitions. I am  one who has "Aloha," will cheer the "underdog" on. I am a devoted friend, but I am also independent, fierce and TUFF!.


In the Urban Dictionary the term "Tita" is defined as... "A word of Hawaiian origin which can be used to descibe a woman of any race who  is strong, independent, able to think for herself & FIERCE in a number of different ways." Grace Jones & Madonna would both be accepted into the Tita Club which would be an honor. A Tita is a woman who can hold her own & doesn't take any c**p. It's a good thing to be a Tita in Hawaiian "Pidgin" language.


The Hawaiian pidgin language defines a Tita  and the term as... "Sometimes a term of endearment used to call a younger sisters, nieces, friends especially if said girls are sassy & precocious (2)used more commonly to decribe a really tough girl or woman of Hawaiian or Polynesian ethnicity." 


The "Tita Code" as defined by Lee Cataluna. Columnist with the Honolulu Advertiser : "A true Tita wouldn't  walk away from any injustice, wouldn't sit idly by while an underdog was getting hurt & wouldn't break a promise to a friend. That's the Tita code."


My own definition of a Tita is someone who has the island beliefs & practices of "aloha," incorporated with strength, perseverance, tenacity, and  independence. I am a Tuff Tita! Do you want to be a Tuff Tita?  Well...

                        Tuff Tita's Train!!

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